In the west part of France, the seasons are not really differentiated from each other. Autumn can be either a belated Summer or an early Winter when Spring may decide to be either a rainy Winter or a blooming Summer. We hardly have scorching heat in Summer and snow in Winter. This book is dedicated to all the flower lovers, my friends. It shows how I use the large variety of plants found in Bretagne, season after season. The neo-rustic, modern and conceptual styles mark out my “kado” under the Sogetsu influence.                       -Soazic Le Franc “Soumu”-

Livre d’art floral       Chant de Fleurs              Book

Print edition

100 pictures, 64 pages

Rigid wrapper

Landscape format 31,75x25cm

Text in french

Price : 28€  +  Mailing 


Le livre « Chant de Fleurs » : 28 €   frais de poste en sus

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Edition imprimerie

100 photos, 64 pages

Couverture rigide

Format paysage 31,75x25cm

Prix : 28€ +  Envoi poste

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